Rettie's private sector property research team provides thorough and bespoke analysis, based on reliable and up-to-date information, led by Dr John Boyle, who has over 15 years of experience as a property economist. Our researchers provide the very best market intelligence and work across a broad range of projects locally and nationally.

Our Property Market Research Articles

Scotland set for Build to Rent boom?
29 Jun 2017

Build to Rent is a sector that is a potential 'game changer' in terms of providing much needed new housing across the UK. However, to date, its use in Scotland has been limited.

Housing sales market rises modestly in Scotland at start of 2017 | Sales Bulletin
26 May 2017

The latest of our sales bulletins has been released. The findings have come from our carefully researched data courtesy of the Rettie Research Team, Scotland's largest dedicated property research department.

Nuggets | LBTT Aged 2, Toddler With Tantrums
16 May 2017

Well, Happy Birthday LBTT, which in April reached the milestone of 2-years-old. It's still not adequately toilet trained and is leaking away Government revenues, but have we grown to love it as it leaves its baby years, or are we getting sick of the tantrums it is causing?

Build to Rent arriving in Scotland | Letting Bulletin
12 May 2017

The latest of our lettings bulletins has been released. The findings have come from our carefully researched data courtesy of the Rettie Research Team, Scotland's largest dedicated property research department.

Housing market flattens out at end of 2016 and start of 2017 | Sales Bulletin
23 Mar 2017

The latest of our sales bulletins has been released. The findings have come from our carefully researched data courtesy of the Rettie Research Team, Scotland's largest dedicated property research department.

Scottish £1m+ market returns to trend | 2016 Review
9 Mar 2017

Scottish £1m+ market returns to trend, but with significant rise in £1m+ new build properties. We are delighted to release our annual £1m+ market review, courtesy of the Rettie research team, Scotland's largest dedicated property research team.

Market Briefing | Market Outlook for 2017
27 Feb 2017

Now that the full year's sales data for 2016 has been released we have been able to review last year as a whole, and look forward to see what trends are emerging in the market this year. Positive growth in the Scottish market in 2016 was constrained by a combination of political and economic events, as well as continuing melancholy in the Aberdeen market. These factors held growth in market turnover back to 1.1% annually.

The Newcastle property market is on the up
15 Apr 2016

Our research shows that the Newcastle residential property market has surged over the last 3 years, with the total value of property sold more than doubling over the period 2012-15, fuelled by a 60% rise in transactions and a 40% rise in the average price.

How LBTT changed the Scottish market in 2015
5 Nov 2015

As winter draws in and the housing market prepares for its seasonal hibernation, it seems an appropriate time to take stock of one of the most significant changes that occurred in the Scottish housing market during 2015 - the introduction of Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT).

Nuggets: The Scottish Private Rented Sector - Entering A Brave New World?
7 Oct 2015

As the Scottish Government is about to produce its new Bill on private tenancies, it seems timely to look at what evidence is out there on how the private rented sector (PRS) is performing and how it is perceived, especially by the people who matter - the tenants living in the PRS as well as the landlords providing the accommodation.

Controversial rent controls to be introduced - what next? | Nuggets
18 Sep 2015

Rent controls have been a much speculated topic in Scottish politics over the Summer. While negatively regarded by most economists, Nicola Sturgeon has recently announced their potential introduction despite 70% of respondents in 2nd Consultation on a New Tenancy for the PRS stating they did not support their implementation.

Rettie on the Farmland Market
19 May 2015

Rettie have produced a Quarterly Report on the Scottish Farmland Market.